Earn money without cutting down your trees

We convert your forest into a climate forest and generate an ecologically valuable, alternative source of income.
revenue models
Climate impact pays off
By selling certified carbon credits, the climate impact of your forest becomes an alternative source of income.
Income from carbon credits is continuous and steadily increasing over the project lifetime.
You can choose between two income models: Management with a share in the sale of the credits or a permanent lease.

Option a - Management
Become a carbon credit producer
We manage a climate forest project in your forest, including management plan, measurement & certification.
The certified carbon credits are sold on the carbon market with a share of the profits.
This profit share incentivises us to maximise the climate impact.
Option B - lease
Increasing value with stable returns
We lease your forest at an attractive rate to develop a carbon forest project and certify carbon credits.
Improved Forest Management (IFM) practices are implemented over the long term to increase biomass.
At the end of the project period, the sustainability of the CO2 storage is monitored.
Frequently Asked Questions

volume development
Growing Values
The implementation of a climate forest project on your land will not only generate a steady cash flow, it will also increase the value of your forest in comparison to timber production.
We work with your trusted local forest manager to manage your land and quantify the amount of carbon stored above baseline.

Earn money without cutting down your trees
Give us a call, schedule a meeting, or leave your contact information.

Reinhard-Rube-Str. 4, 37077 Göttingen
Bockenheimer Anlage 46, 60322 Frankfurt am Main
Schwindgasse 7, 1040 Vienna