We develop climate impact

Mitigate climate change through the global development of climate-smart forests with high carbon sequestration capacity, increased biodiversity, and high-quality, stable timber stocks.

worldwide presence
Climate forests on a global level
42,000 hectares
Forest under management
180,000 t
CO₂ sink capacity p.a.
6 million t
CO₂ storage
Management team
Our management team has many years of experience in forestry, finance, investment and carbon markets.

Dr. Jochen Gassner

Tobias Precht

Anne Vallersnes
Head of Sales

Sebastian Seidel
Executive Director

Camilla Watkiss
Head of Strategic Partnership

Leonard Rauch
Head of Project Acquisition

Xenia Kern
Head of Human Resources

Daniel Horle
Head of Certification

Kai Dreyer
Head of Marketing & Communication
sister company
Our partner for precise measurement
For high-precision measurements of climate forests, we work closely with our sister company 44moles.

sustainable development goals
Sustainable Goals
By creating climate forests, Climate Forest is primarily advancing 4 of the 17 SDGs.

Filtering CO₂ from the air and long-term storage by adding biomass to forests.

Reducing deforestation strengthens forest stands and focuses remaining timber production on valuable timber.

Increasing the structural complexity of forests and thus also biodiversity.

Climate forests play an important role in filtering and storing water for the environment.
We actively participate
As an active member, we want to take responsibility, promote common goals and drive real change.
Are you interested in climate forests?

Reinhard-Rube-Str. 4, 37077 Göttingen
Bockenheimer Anlage 46, 60322 Frankfurt am Main
Schwindgasse 7, 1040 Vienna